Leah Cox's blog of youth ministry in the Czech Republic with Josiah Venture (plus stuff)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I am somebody...

One of the staples of camp are these kinda lame (sorry, but let's be real) songs we sing with motions. Even though they're over 10 (15?) years old, I will always love them for the lyrics: "I am somebody/because God loves me/I'm accepted/just the way that I am/His love is higher, deeper and wider/than you or I could ever understand." Word.



Blogger Unknown said...

I know it's only my third year, but I really love that song too. I think that it's so true, and I hope that students learn to really see that. People give me such a hard time for liking that song, though.

11:23 PM

Blogger Jon and Erin said...

Oh Leah, youre "Jamacan me crazy" with remembering...Jon and I sang "We have this hope" last night in the back yard with Noah. Jon pulled out his guitar. Fun times. Now unless I'm mistaken it looked like the word "accepted" was in there not "asepted" right?(steve) You know Krupa misses all these songs! (Ha ha)

6:14 PM

Blogger steve said...

LOL!!! Ahh, yes classic songs, you got to love them. Erin, I was thinking the same thing when listening to that song and laughed really hard and can't believe you remembered that!! So FUN!! Hey Leah, hope all's well!!

3:38 AM

Anonymous Amy Schrepfer said...

Haha...I totally remember this, too, & can't hear that song without thinking of Steve's classic interpretation of the lyrics. Aahhh the memories! Hope everyone is doing well.

6:02 AM

Blogger Leah said...

Ha, my friend Martina used to to sing "a septic." I miss you guys!!!

11:32 PM


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