Leah Cox's blog of youth ministry in the Czech Republic with Josiah Venture (plus stuff)

Monday, December 04, 2006

a confession...

There's nothing worse than a spoiled child. You know, kids who always think they're right, who compete with everyone, who are sneaky and unkind and, mmmm, uhhh...

Sometimes, I'm this child. In socially acceptable ways, of course, you know, in adult ways and even in (*gag*) Christian ways. It's amazing how I can disguise complaining as venting, gossiping as sharing, and how I can say little things just to dig at someone else or do anything to prove that I'm right, that I'm smart, that I'm in the know. Yep, that's the truth. And what's worse, is that as much as I indulge in these behaviors, I am the first to judge someone else for doing these things.

That's why, today as I thought about things I'm thankful for, I realized anew how thankful I am for DISCIPLINE. God's gentle discipline: how he allows me to experience the repercussions of my sin, so that I'll come to my senses...discipline that doesn't leave me drowning in hypocrisy but shows me where the sin is...and helps me out of it. By having to apologize, rebuild trust, or make amends I'm submitting to his discipline. Sometimes I think grace=not being disciplined, but really, without discipline I could never understand grace. Because Jesus died for spoiled kids like me, too. And I'm so glad!!!



Blogger Graeme said...

Please tell me those picture are of you as a wee girl!!

That would make my day.

10:52 PM

Blogger Leah said...

Graemmers, if only...it's Nellie Oleson from "Little House on the Prairie."

But maybe this'll make your day: your pic looks soooo cute, my photogenic friend :)

5:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

For some reason I think I have seen you at one time or other all those faces she makes... :)! Love you sista!

9:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was on Trevor and Casie's site and I saw your webpage and I had to check it out. As I scrolled through your page I came to the comment you made about being judgemental. I foubd it really interesting, I love your transparetn heart. It seems to me that judging and putting ourselves over other people comes very natural. It is scary how sin can slide into our livs with almost no trace. There is something that I have been wrestling with though and that is how to know the difference between being judgemental and making observations of a person's character or sermon or personality. Many times I find myself analylizing and learning from other people and their actions and choices. As I do this I wonder if I am doing something wrong. In the end I know that most of the time I am on the sin side of the line and so I try to keep my thoughts to myself yet I think that it is important to learn from other people and thier mistakes. Well those were just some of my thoughts. I look forward to seeing you the summer.

5:39 AM

Blogger Leah said...

Landen! I just found this! You are a treasure, bruthah!

8:52 PM


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