Leah Cox's blog of youth ministry in the Czech Republic with Josiah Venture (plus stuff)

Monday, February 25, 2008

What's so great about Amerrrrika #3

*Time with the Quad City body. One of my goals was to connect with Adventure and CCF and thanks to their open hearts and arms I got to. I love you guys very much!!!

Part of the Adventure youth group...Travis, Kristina and the Allens are very rad; it was a blessing to be able to jump in and experience the way they love and serve students. Shine on, you crazy diamonds! (yeah, see #4)

The "Girl Scouts" (great nickname, Bernie) acting out a skit. These cuties have grown up through CCF's amazing Awana and Bernie, Ginny, Theresa and Jake are leading them into diggin God's word. Keep on truckin!

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