Leah Cox's blog of youth ministry in the Czech Republic with Josiah Venture (plus stuff)

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Why Europe Rocks #...uhhh...

Europe...EUROPE! We live in EU-ROPE!!!!

Kim, Lucka, Lauree, Leah, Katka, Emily all went to Milan, Italy to celebrate Katka and Kim's 30th birthdays and Leah's 35th. Thanks Wizz Air for super cheap tickets! No thanks to border control, though. We're missing Autumn who was "detained" in Poland because she didn't have her passport and we tried to get her into Italy. Epic fail, as the kids today say. :(

What a charming cafe in Italy, it inspres me to poetry: "Scusa mi? Table fee? I don't understand, what sayeth thee?" Ba-Boom, 2 euros a person and the little baby cans of coke were like, 5 euros. Questo e un plagio

The eventide brought with it lighter hearts, Autumn's release from the Polish foreign police (it's a long story) as well as a 7 euro all you can eat buffet. Oh, the tales that were told 'round that table...

Answer: Lauree. Question: Who would survive the longest as a homeless person? To save money, we slept at the Milan airport while waiting for our morning flight. Lauree kept us well supplied with cardboard mats/blankets and waited till the wee hours to get pole position on some benches. Milan was great, but this was one of my favorite parts of the trip. Love you ladies!

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Anonymous Cassie said...

Aaaaahhh miss you and such crazy/ fun euro adventures!!!

5:54 AM

Blogger Leah said...

During our dinner I really missed you, half a glass Cass!!!

3:55 PM


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