Leah Cox's blog of youth ministry in the Czech Republic with Josiah Venture (plus stuff)

Monday, April 09, 2007

Why Europe Rocks: Reason #22

Dudi and Luc at last year's Easter

Say what?

So, Nate and I went to Lucka's family for Easter, and Lucka has this cute cute 4 year old nephew named Daniel (aka Dudi). During the meal we were going back between Czech, Ponasemu* and English and Dudi looks at me, says something in Ponasemu and then says, "mwauuu wau blah blah blah." Lucka busts up laughing, "He's translating for you into English!" It was awesome. And it serves me right. I have a confession to make...I kinda mock Ponasemu. Ponasmu is a pidgin language that exists in these parts as a mix of Czech, Polish and German. If I want to speak Ponasemu, I just speak Czech with a Polish accent and whatever Polish words I know and plenty of "ganz" (I guess that's German for "really"). Basically, that means switching Hs and Gs, Ls and Ws, and "tak" for yes and "ni" for no. It's mostly entertaining, hopefully inoffensive, but possibly annoying (although probably not as annoying as me and my Italian accent, and for sure not as annoying as Nate and his Iowa slams...like AZ is all that).

Okay, let's try it out
EN: You have a nice sweater, did you knit it yourself?
CZ: Mash hezkee svetr, pletla yeesee toe saamaa?
PNM: Mosh heyzkay svitor, pwetwa yestesh toe soma?

Ha ha ha! It's so funny! Well...if you're not as amused as I, check out these language videos or Nate's Polish hymn blog: http://natedoggblogg.blogspot.com/2006/06/polish-worship.html

The Interpretor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncirovhlQcw

Joey speaking French: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2JhCejhcEg

(real PNM: Mosh peeyeknee svetr, ushtreekovawa? Gosh.)



Blogger nate hughes said...

great post!

freakin' po nasymu (i think that's how it is spelled-but who knows really!)

oh, sorry for trying to know more than you as usual

10:54 PM

Blogger Krista said...

hahaha you guys make me laugh!!! po naszemu :) i figured that after i left nates a few weeks ago... it means "in our own way" or stg like that:*) or in polish po slasku :) although i must say, i think ponaszymu is a lot closer to polish than czech... at least i don't have to sing czech hymns at church!!

8:19 PM

Blogger Emiloo said...

Leah I love it. I am stoked to hang out with you for 3 months. See you soon :)

7:49 AM

Blogger Leah said...

Em-i-LY, come on lady! Yeah! Hurry up and get here!

10:13 AM

Blogger Leah said...

oh yeah: SHUT UP NATHAN!

10:00 PM


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