Leah Cox's blog of youth ministry in the Czech Republic with Josiah Venture (plus stuff)

Sunday, April 06, 2008

CBV/Lifelong Biblical Education Conf/4.3-6

Things learned at this year's CBV

*Life is hard. And sticky and dirty and unmanagable. I knew that, but hearing people's stories of burnout, sin, confusion vividly reminded me of that, and also that...

*God is sovereign. He is so much bigger than the years where we can't serve because we're dealing with wounds we minimized, he's bigger than sly complacence and insidious apathy, than disappointment. And, I truly believe that in his economy, nothing is wasted.

*Jesus is real. He's really real! These past few weeks have been sad, but his presence has been so near and constant--when I can't sleep, when I'm on the bus--he's there. In reading the gospels, he's more loving, he's more stern, he's more shocking than I realized. After hearing Marian tell story after story of the Jesus changing hearts, after Ken's "the most basic thing about me is that I am in Christ and he is in me," after being washed in worship, I feel like I could put out my hand and touch him. amen.

Video below: in Slovak, and beautiful--Marian and his band Timothy taught us this song at CBV (song starts at 1:37).



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