Leah Cox's blog of youth ministry in the Czech Republic with Josiah Venture (plus stuff)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Eve to Eve!!! Agnes and gang

This is the cover of Agnes' book! It hit the streets the first day of spring, and will hit the Cesky Tesin Christian bookstore in a week. Agnes has instigated, compiled, edited, written for, translated for, and raised money for this project. And it's done and on the shelves! Whoo hoo!!!

In case you've forgotten, this is the book about purity (& much more!***) specifically for Czech girls...as far as we know, the first of it's kind. It's written in the form of letters from older "Eves" to younger "Eves," and each woman opens up her heart and history to the readers. It's beautiful...it's beautiful how God really does take off our spirit of despair and help us into a garment of praise, how he does turn our ashes into beauty...not just for ourselves, but beauty for others too.

***the "much more" includes topics of healing, rape, breaking up, eating disorders, identity, masturbation, family relationships, dating, etc.

fun for girls of all ages

Feb 24-25

I seriously didn't think I'd make it. We were an hour away from meeting all the girls and women from our church to carpool to the mountain cottage where we were having our women's retreat and the bad news was a little overwhelming. Already we've been told that there was no parking, so instead of having to hike 40 minutes to the cottage (which was a given with all the snow) we'd be hiking even longer. Also, the main speaker had been feeling queasy all day and I just got the call from her husband "how good are you at speaking from someone else's notes?" Uhhhhh...yikes. If it had been up to me, I would have cancelled then and there. But the other organizers didn't want to, so we all piled into cars and away we went!

After dinner, once worship started, I started to feel better. After all, the main speaker might come tomorrow and the hike to the cottage wasn't that bad...and besides, maybe not having a talk, having more time for worship and prayer and hanging out would be better. And it was--the first evening ended well. Saturday I woke up in great spirits, even after the main speaker called and said that she was still really sick and couldn't make it. I had no idea what we would do with 40 women (from ages 14-40+) all day, but the sense that God had something in it for us was exciting.

Each step of the day, God led us in what to do. For me, it was scary...when I'm responsible for a group of people, I don't like not having some kind of plan (because people like plans and get edgy if there's none). Our initial plan was to have Zuzka talk in the morning and then Irka talk in the afternoon. But as we worshipped and prayed after breakfast, it became obvious that God was leading the program, and Irka's talk fit right in with the theme of everyone's prayers. After that, we had mixed age small groups...it was so cool to hear jr high age girls praying for women the age of their mothers! After a very late lunch, we had more worship and prayer together (do you see the theme?) and by then it was time to go.

At the end, I was in a state of happy shock. It worked! Everything flowed, and not only, but women left the weekend feeling unified, relational awkwardness was healed, and some women who had been on the fringe were connected. And I was humbled by how much these women passionately love and pray for the unbelievers in their lives. The next day at church, the love and unity was still present among us and washed through the whole congregation. I'm so thankful that something I wanted to cancel was so good, really good; I'm so thankful for God's clear guidance at each step; I'm so thankful that He keeps loving His church to wholeness. :)

going to the chapel...

and they're going to get ma-a-a-arried...yay Romie and Pychal! My dear friend and co-worker Romana got engaged a few weeks ago on top of a glacier in the Alps to Michal. They are getting married at the end of August. Congratulations guys!!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Bohemia Camp Training Weekend, March 3-4!!!

130ish people coming together for worship, sharing stories of what God's done, and hanging out...this weekend was so fun; the community was amazing and it felt like everyone has known each other forever. It was crazy with details (go Romana!!!) but came off beautifully. The first night we heard testimonies from several students and as we looked around...it's incredible to see kids who have recently believed are now a part of the camp leadership teams.

nate telling his story, lucka translating

ondra, honzi, (martin!), me, kamila...

lukas, mr and honza

cute girls from Hradec Kralove