Leah Cox's blog of youth ministry in the Czech Republic with Josiah Venture (plus stuff)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Strakonice Camp!!!

Hike day at Zvikov Castle.

Pavel and I! He's been spending time with our youth group all year and is a great friend to us all.

Ben, Josh, me and Aubree--I love these guys!

David and Tomas. These two constantly cracked me up, loved being with us and are always asking when the next thing is.

The Spice Girls: Kakushe, Sabina, Zuzka, Hanicka, Pavla. Sabina and Pavla were both new to camp this year and made lots of new friends.

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Ceske Budejovice Camp 2008

Dominik (aka, Dr. Eddy, Dredislav) became a believer at last year's English camp and this year served on the Czech team. Thursday night he told the story of how he came to faith and it was beautiful. "I thought I would try Christianity for a week or month or so...so I prayed to God to become a Christian, and I was filled with Holy Spirit...." His telling of how he experiences love and peace with the Lord blessed the whole camp.

Oh girls...this summer, girls at camp opened up about eating disorders, fatherlessness, sexuality. Again I realized how both vulnerable and yet resiliant we females are. And it was also a reminder of how much girls--Christian and non--need spiritual mothers in their lives.

English class skits...Mira, Whiteman, Sam and Pavla from my group. Pavla made the (big) step from agnosticism to theism that week...please pray that she'd go all the way to Jesus!

Sweet Klara and I!
