Setkani: making women's ministry history
November 10-11 in CB Pardubice was the first Setkani! Setkani (which means "meeting" in Czech) is the first of four weekends that our women's ministry team will be hosting this school year. Agnes and Radka are the leaders of this time of training and inspiration, and did a masterful job teaching and guiding discussion!
Women from all ages gathered to think about how they can better serve, or begin to serve, the women in their churches. Here are some women from KrS denomination, Vsetin. About 25 women came from all different churches and from all over the country...the spirit of unity was amazing.
All of the feedback so far has been extremely encouraging. Many of us were able to connect with others and share ideas and recources. These women are, in the words of one, some of the most influential women in this country regarding women's ministry.
The training material was "Strategy of Christ's Ministry" from Sonlife as well as training in leading small groups. The teaching was interactive, with small group discussions. There was also a big discussion about the state of women's ministry in the Czech Republic. We have the freedom to serve, more materials are becoming available, but one big barrier seems to be fear. The great challenge is to formulate and keep a vision for serving women, and thereby expand the Kingdom!
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