(right now it's not so busy, just messy)
May 24-26: CBV Kam conference
May 29: Summer interns arrive in Prague and Amazing Race begins
May 29-31: Amazing Race, Prague-Ostrava-Frydlant
May 31-June 6: Intern Training, Malenovice
June 2: Tomas and Zuzka's wedding (also Agnes and Petr's wedding day!)
June 12: Meeting with Staz (Internship) leaders about next year, Staz 2007/08
June 12-13: Hiking to the top of Lysa Hora (Bald Mt.) and sleeping there overnight
June 14: Jitka graduates from Staz 2006/07
June 6-20: Packing, spending time with CT friends, saying goodbye
June 20: Move things to Strakonice!!! Saying hello
June 22-23: Women's min team meeting in my new apartment
June 26-30: 1st term camp training
June 30-July 7: Ceske Budejovice Camp (with Grace Church from Phoenix, AZ)
July 10-14: 2nd term camp training
July 14-21: Strakonice Camp (with Blanchard Rd. from Wheaton IL and Soma from Tacoma WA)
July 21-24: Strakonice follow up in town
July 28-Aug 4: Cesky Tesin Camp (with Grace Church of DuPage from IL)
Aug 4-8: Cesky Tesin follow up in town
Aug 9-12: Debriefing with summer interns in Prague.
Aug 22-27: JV kid's camp
Aug 27-Sept 2: NaMax festival in Trebic
Sept 2--: Start living in Strakonice!
Labels: whom it may concern