What's so great about Amerrrrika #1
Of course, you had to know this was tops...I love my family like crazy!!!
the Cox boys and Jacob's pillow fort
how it all started: Mom and Dad and Cheetoes luv
me & the Cramer kids!
Labels: fam
Leah Cox's blog of youth ministry in the Czech Republic with Josiah Venture (plus stuff)
Of course, you had to know this was tops...I love my family like crazy!!!
Labels: fam
*Time with the Quad City body. One of my goals was to connect with Adventure and CCF and thanks to their open hearts and arms I got to. I love you guys very much!!!
*Last and Least--Sounds from my growing-up hood
Labels: extra me
Sorry, the comeback of the Italian accent is probably due to the fact that last year at this time the JV ladies were in bella Roma *sigh!* Amy Lawlor, where art thou?
Labels: whom it may concern